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root crop 塊根作物〔馬鈴薯、蘿卜等〕。

root infinitive

This group of neolithic men and women , and in all probability largely the latter , domesticated all the major cereals , legumes , and root crops , as well as all of the most important animals that to this day remain man ' s principal source of food 那群新石器時代的男人和女人們,而且極有可能是女人們,除了馴化了大部分主要的至今仍是人類主要食物來源的動物,又馴化了所有主要的谷類、豆類和根莖類植物。

Plants that produce root crops , such as carrots and beets , need from six to eight hours of sunlight every day 一些有根作物,像胡蘿卜和甜菜,每天需要6到8小時的光照時間。

Root crop cultivation 根菜栽培

Green food . root crop vegetables 綠色食品.根菜類蔬菜

This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops 這沙土地利於排水,適於種植塊根作物

This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops 這沙土地利于排水,適于種植塊根作物